The best diving spots in Egypt


The best diving spots in Egypt

The best diving spots in Egypt

Egypt offers divers worldwide unique underwater landscapes. Thanks to the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, there are many breathtaking diving spots to discover.

Red Sea

The Red Sea is known for its extraordinary underwater world. Some of the most beautiful diving spots in the world are located on the Egyptian coast between Hurghada and Safaga.

Sha'ab Mahmud

Sha'ab Mahmud is one of the top spots. In shallow water there are several areas with coral gardens and sea rifts. Dozens of fish species as well as smaller sharks can be observed here.


In front of the island of Salamine there is the Elphinstone bridge dive, which is very well known among experts. At a depth of around 30 meters, a coral wall several hundred meters long stretches parallel to the coast. A fascinating underwater world.

Ras Mohamed

The diving paradise of Ras Mohamed is right on the border with Sudan. Excellent for night and deep etching. Spectacular wreck and rock dives are known, but also many large fish.

Daedalus Reef

This reef south of Safaga is extremely rich in species. In addition to colorful corals, you can also see rays, barracudas and often manta rays. The spectacular steep walls at the southern end are particularly inviting for deep etching.

Sea of Marmar

There are also first-class diving spots in the Egyptian part of the Mediterranean, especially in the Marmar Sea southwest of Alexandria.

Bay of Abu Qir

In addition to colorful fish, turtles also cavort in the bay of Abu Qir off Alexandria. Wreck diving on several sunken ships from different eras is particularly worthwhile.


Off the coast west of Alexandria, divers can sometimes reach depths of over 40 meters. Spectacular wrecks can be seen, but rays and sharks are also not uncommon.

Marida Reef

This extensive coral reef off the coast of Mersa Matruh attracts countless fish of all colors and shapes. Large fish and sea turtles also feel at home here.

Combine highlights

For a perfect diving holiday in Egypt, it is worth combining different highlights of the Red Sea and the Sea of Marmar on one route. This means there is a great variety of diving on offer.

Safety is a priority

Regardless of the diving spot, safety when diving in Egypt is always guaranteed by the experienced staff of the diving centers. On board modern boats and by qualified diving instructors, the protection and health of the divers is always ensured.

In summary, Egypt and its waters offer a true underwater paradise for divers. From beginner-friendly snorkeling to challenging deep and wreck diving, there is something for every type of diver. No wonder Egypt delights divers from all over the world every year.