Catamaran Elgouna Ocean Diva


Catamaran Elgouna Ocean Diva

Welcome to our beautiful 

Ocean Diva II

We would like to share with you some information about our tour and the catamaran.


Our catamaran is very safe and well balanced. We have lifebuoys, swimming and life jackets, as well as a lifeboat on board.


We have two toilets on board, they are located below deck, near the large windows.

We have identified these for you.

A toilet works electrically and can be operated with two simple buttons.

The other is to be operated manually. First push the black lever to the left and then press the pump in front of it a few times to pump water into the toilet. When finished, push the lever to the right and then pump repeatedly until the toilet is empty again.

Very important for both toilets:

Please do not throw toilet paper into the toilets, but rather into the garbage containers next to them.

When you come back upstairs from the toilet area, please be careful not to hit your head.

Lying areas:

You can see the inviting lying areas in the front area of our catamaran. Here you are welcome to take a long sunbath and also enjoy your drinks.

Smoking is not permitted on our loungers, nor is hopping or jumping.

If you take your drinks with you onto the loungers, please bring your empty cups back on board.

About our trip today:

We offer you an excursion twice a day.

Morning tour:

We will be traveling for five hours and will make two snorkeling stops. After the snorkeling stop, we will serve you a small lunch.

Your price includes all soft drinks such as Cola, Cola zero, Fanta, Sprite, water, soda, tonic or juice.

If you would like a beer or a deliciously prepared cocktail, the price is 5 euros extra.

Sunset tour:

We will be traveling for three hours and will make a snorkeling stop. After the snorkeling stop, we serve you small appetizers.

Your price includes all soft drinks and freshly made cocktails. 

Ice cold beer is extra 5 euros 

In addition, you can experience the beautiful sunset from the boat.

Snorkel stop:

We stay at the snorkeling stop for 1 hour each. Your snorkeling time will be around 40 minutes.

We invite experienced snorkelers to take a tour with our snorkeling guide, he will show you many interesting things along the way. Please always stay close together in your group and do not move away from the group on your own. Do not stand on the reefs and corals and do not bring anything from the seabed.

We ask beginners to explore the area around our boat so that we can ensure your safety at all times.


We offer fins, masks and life jackets, please contact us.

You can rent a wetsuit for a fee of 5 euros.

Please put on your fins just before you get into the water; do not walk on the deck with your fins on.

If you get tired in the water or get a cramp, please wave over your head twice. This is the International Symbol for Help. Our lifeboat will then pick you up again immediately and bring you safely to the catamaran.

Have a shower:

After snorkeling, you have the opportunity to take a shower, in the rear area of the catamaran on both sides.

Please remember that the boat may be a little wet and therefore slippery.

We wish you an unforgettable trip with us on our beautiful Ocean Diva.

Thank you very much and have fun!