The Secret of the Sphinx


The Secret of the Sphinx

The Secret of the Sphinx

The Sphinx is one of the most impressive monuments of ancient Egypt. For thousands of years she has looked out over the Giza desert with her mysterious smile and exerts an almost magical fascination on visitors. But who is actually hidden behind this enormous stone figure? And what secret does it hold? Here are some interesting facts about the Sphinx:


The Sphinx consists of a powerful human body with lion's legs and a pharaoh's head. It is about 20 meters high, 73 meters long and sits directly at the foot of the Great Pyramid. Her head is about 2.10 meters tall and her chest measures 19 meters. What is unusual about her appearance is that she does not have a beard - an atypical feature for Egyptian royalty and deities.

construction period

To this day it is not clear exactly when the Sphinx was created. However, most Egyptologists believe that it, along with the nearby Great Pyramid, was built around 2560 BC. It was built in the 4th Dynasty under Pharaoh Chephren. Other theories even date them around 500 years earlier, to the time of the Pharaoh Khufu.

Their symbolism

As a hybrid of a human and a lion, the Sphinx combines different symbols: The lion stands for royalty, power and rule. The human head could represent Khafre. As a guardian at the foot of the pyramid, she was supposed to protect it and the king buried inside. But some also see a connection to the sun and creation mythology of ancient Egypt.

Their conservation status

Although the Sphinx has been exposed to the elements for thousands of years, it is almost completely preserved. Only the original fine limestone has weakened in places. Sandstorms and rains left their mark. The Sphinx is now being extensively restored and preserved. Remains of paint indicate that it was once colorfully painted.

nightly visits

There is a persistent rumor that the Sphinx cannot be seen at night. In fact, the famous Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz visits her at night in a novella. Travelers also report seeing them early in the morning at dusk. Apparently this legend got around just to maintain its mysterious charm.

Their mysterious appearances

Some traditions report strange occurrences around the Sphinx: travelers claim to have seen two identical suns in the sky at the same time. Others take blurry photos with what appear to be energy fields around their heads. Noises and voices will also have been heard. Whether pure imagination or real - the Sphinx is still surrounded by a mysterious veil of the inexplicable to this day.


Recently, new theories have emerged that there could be several alternative faces of the Sphinx beneath the sand. During exploratory work, human facial features were actually found at greater depth. It is unclear whether other pharaohs are buried underneath. Further investigations will provide new insights.

global fascination

Nowhere else in the world is there a structure comparable to the Sphinx. The sight of them exerts a magical attraction on people from all over the world. In art, literature and esotericism it takes on a myth. Even NASA named a moon of the planet Mars after her. To this day, the Sphinx exerts its mysterious charm and hides its deepest secrets. It remains one of humanity's greatest mysteries.